Chamaemelum nobile Treneague
What smells better than a freshly cut grass lawn? How about a Chamomile lawn? Lawn Chamomile is a non-flowering, low-growing cultivar of classic Chamomile. It's a tough, aromatic little perennial that will tolerate some traffic and has, because of this and its ground-covering qualities, gained some fame as a good low-maintenance alternative to a grass lawn.
A chamomile lawn needs light soil, adequate moisture, and sun in order to thrive. Each square meter should contain 80-100 plants. The lawn is suitable to light foot traffic or in places where mower access is difficult. For more info on establishing chamomile lawns, visit this
Site: Tolerates exposure
Soil: Any well-drained
Position: Full sun to part shade
Season of Interest: Mat-forming ground cover, aromatic
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 3.5in (0.1m)